oncology navigation consultation

our blueguide physician-consultants offer individuals with cancer a path for navigating and expanding personalized treatment options

Private E.Consulting with blueguide inc.

navigating a cancer diagnosis

Our blueguide physician-consultants offer those currently, or previously diagnosed, with cancer a path for resourcing advanced technology, expert specialist recommendations, and emerging evidence, to navigate and expand individual cancer treatment options.

The goal of our experienced blueguide consultants is to ease the complexity and stress often experienced by families, or their caregivers, as they try to cope with symptoms, diagnosis and testing, as well as help them in the search for optimal solutions.

we are committed to the needs of patients, families and caregivers who are searching for help in identifying the best options for their unique situation

how it works

We begin each case with an introductory phone meeting to learn a few central details of the diagnosis and personal care philosophy.

This is followed by a comprehensive medical records review and full consultation with the patient / client (and / or family / friends in the care circle).

Moving forward, our work is personalized and as needed / directed by our clients. We have an initial consultation fee, however, after this meetings and interactions are invoiced at our hourly rate.

ongoing support services

Blueguide's ongoing care solutions aim to support patients from the point of diagnosis through treatment and beyond.

Clients who are in ‘cured' or 'remission phase' often wish to explore preventative therapy options, enhanced wellness, and allied health tools.

When you work with us, we become part of your team, with the goal of offering you on-going cancer support as long as you need it.

find out if blueguide can help

During your first contact with blueguide, we'll determine if we can help you. There is no risk, and no obligation. Just people who care.

get in touch

(647) 964-9600 Contact