about blueguide

blueguide is a private cancer patient service dedicated to maximizing advanced technology, expert physicians, and emerging evidence to expand and navigate personalized cancer treatment options.


Receive Actionable and Effective Information from blueguide inc.

making choices on critical healthcare decisions is challenging.

With blueguide, cancer patients and their families receive actionable and effective information regarding second consultations, clinical trials, cutting-edge diagnostics, genetic sequencing tests, as well as awareness of differences in hospital protocols and treatment tools across various institutions.

we strive to ensure you have the information you need.

blueguide consultants make a difference.

We help patients understand goals of care and gain clarity over new emerging treatments.

We believe that being informed and educated about one's options in the cancer care field, either on a local or international scale, provides the foundation for making the important decisions ahead.

our team is here each step of the way.

blueguide Cancer Care Consulting, Ontario


blueguide inc. Centers on Communication and Relationships

compassion and care is a priority in case management.

Our individual case management centers on communication and relationships while addressing patient concerns in the context of emerging clinical cancer research and available therapeutic resources. 

Each of our blueguide consultants has a compelling desire to help inform and guide individuals impacted by cancer, and/or their friends and family.

we ensure you have the information you need.

find out if blueguide can help

During your first contact with blueguide, we'll determine if we can help you. There is no risk, and no obligation. Just people who care.

get in touch

(647) 964-9600 Contact