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Triple Negative Breast Cancer Awareness Day

Triple Negative Breast Cancer Awareness Day

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A diagnosis of triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) means that discovered cancer cells have none of the typically tested for estrogen receptors, HER 2 proteins or progesterone receptors on their cell surface. Accounting for about 15% of all breast cancers, women in the TNBC category tend to be younger than age 40, black, or who have the BRCA1 genetic mutation.

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International Women’s Day - the collective status on ovarian cancer

International Women’s Day - the collective status on ovarian cancer

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Several promising trial results have shown tremendous potential for addressing ovarian cancer - changing the global outlook for this disease with the highest mortality rate of all gynecological cancers. The Every Woman Study by the World Ovarian Cancer Coalition estimated that by 2035, incidence will increase by 55%, death rates by 67%, compared to 2012, when some 600,000 women were living within five years of a diagnosis. 

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The precision medicine era - fighting cancer gets personal

The precision medicine era - fighting cancer gets personal

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The days when generalized regimens of chemotherapy and radiation are recommended to cancer patients may soon be a thing of the past... Now, new cancer research results are centered on which particular patients are brought the greatest benefits. The gold standard of top-quality care in cancer medicine is the delivery of the most precise treatment for that particular individual at the right time.

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Global reach of precision treatments and tools in cancer

Global reach of precision treatments and tools in cancer

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How are new cancer research results brought to patients around the world today? The gold standard of top-quality care in cancer medicine is the delivery of the most precise treatment for that particular individual at the right time.

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