Blueguide addresses many factors to consider - the difficulty of seeking treatment; how the entire process may affect your day-to-day life, and the lives of those around you...
Client Journey:
"Blueguide brought forward a very positive energy throughout the entire process.
While investigating every available and reasonable option for treatment - Blueguide continually explores new options, trials, and how it will affect one's overall situation.
Through emails, and phone calls, interactions with Blueguide were very down-to-earth approach, and speaks with you on your level, like a friend in touch with the human side of the difficulty of dealing with cancer.
Not only is the focus on clinical treatment, but overall wellbeing - spiritually, mentally, and emotionally.
Blueguide addresses many factors to consider, that may have been an oversight in conventional care, including your location, and the difficulty of seeking treatment, and how the entire process may affect your day-to-day life, and the lives of those around you."